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?Adenium obesum | ||||||||||||||
A plant showing the swollen basal caudex | ||||||||||||||
Klasifikasi ilmiah | ||||||||||||||
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Nama binomial | ||||||||||||||
Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. |
Adenium atau Kamboja Jepang (nama kamboja jepang sendiri sebenarnya menyesatkan, karena dapat diidentikkan dengan kamboja, yang banyak ditemui di areal pemakaman. Sedangkan embel-embel kata jepang seakan-akan bunga ini berasal dari Jepang, padahal Adenium berasal dari Asia Barat dan Afrika) berasal dari daerah gurun pasir yang kering, dari daratan asia barat sampai afrika. Sebutannya disana adalah Mawar Padang Pasir (desert rose). Karena berasal dari daerah kering, tanaman ini lebih menyukai kondisi media yang kering dibanding terlalu basah. Disebut sebagai adenium, karena salah satu tempat asal adenium adalah daerah Aden (Ibukota Yaman).
Masyarakat Indonesia menamakan adenium sebagai kamboja jepang, mungkin dikaitkan dengan stereotype yang beredar. Contohnya buah-buahan yang besar biasa disebut sebagai Bangkok, sedangkan tanaman yang kecil-kecil biasa disebut Jepang, sehingga jika dahulu kala sudah ada Kamboja yang sosok tanamannya tinggi besar, maka begitu ada tanaman yang sosoknya kecil tapi mirip kamboja, disebutlah sebagai kamboja jepang.
Sebenarnya kamboja adalah jenis Plumeria, kerabat jauh dari Adenium. Beberapa perbedaan antara Adenium dengan Plumeria adalah sebagai berikut:
- Adenium berbatang besar dengan bagian bawah menyerupai umbi, namun sosok tanamannya sendiri kecil dengan daun kecil panjang. Akar adenium juga dapat membesar menyerupai umbi.
- Plumeria berbatang kecil memanjang tanpa bentuk umbi, dengan sosok tanaman yang besar dan dapat tumbuh tinggi, dengan bentuk daun panjang dan besar.
[sunting] Bentuk
Akar adenium yang membesar seperti umbi adalah tempat menyimpan air sebagai cadangan disaat kekeringan. Akar yang membesar ini bila dimunculkan diatas tanah akan membentuk kesan unik seperti bonsai. Sedangkan batangnya lunak tidak berkayu (disebut juga sebagai sukulen), namun dapat membesar.
Tunas-tunas samping dapat tumbuh dari mata tunas pada batang atau bekas daun yang gugur. Mata tunas samping tersebut akan berfungsi (tumbuh) apabila pucuk atas tanaman dipotong. Hal inilah yang dilakukan orang pada saat memprunning atau memangkas, untuk mendapatkan daun baru dan agar bunga yang akan muncul nantinya lebih serempak.
Daun adenium ada berbagai ragam, bentuk lonjong, runcing, kecil dan besar, serta ada yang berbulu halus, ada pula yang tanpa bulu. Sedangkan bunga adenium berbentuk seperti terompet, berkelopak 5, dengan aneka ragam warna sesuai dengan jenis (varietasnya) masing-masing.
Ada 2 kelompok adenium, yaitu kelompok species (jenis asli), maupun Varietas (jenis hasil perkawinan dan persilangan yang dilakukan manusia untuk mencari bentuk baru). Beberapa species asli adenium contohnya Adenium arabicum, cirinya bentuk bonggol pendek dan besar, dengan banyak batang yang muncul dari atas bonggol tersebut. Bunganya berwarna paduan putih dan pink, kecil (diameter petal kurang dari 5 cm). Adenium obesum, cirinya bentuk bonggol besar dan agak memanjang keatas, satu batang tumbuh diatas bonggol, diatas batang muncul percabangan. Bunga berwarna paduan merah dan putih, berbunga besar (lebih dari 5 cm). Jenis-jenis species adenium lainnya adalah Adenium Socotranum, Adenium swazicum, Adenium somalense, Adenium bohemianum.
Seeds Price | Arabicum Seedling | RCN Cutting/Grafted Plant |
Classification of Adenium Thai Socotranum Species
How to identify each type of Adenium Thai Socotranum is not easy even by experience Thai grower. Because of almost types are came from or a sub-type of Bangkla. And seedling of Bangkla always have characteristics transform from one to another patterns (Bangkla is like a Rock'N Roll, it never die). Things that used to indentify such as shape of caudex, branch style, inter-node (joint), root and overall plant forming. But details of leave and flower alway used to making a final decision when everything are obscure. Both Thai Arabicum and Thai Socotranum, almost names giving to each type are came from the place that original mother was founded. Here is guide line that I wrote from my little experience. Check out Seeds Price and MORE Picture of Plants!
What's about Thai Socotranum?
Mutate & Hybrid Adenium Gallery
Read more about History and Available Hybrid Adenium in Thailand.
Thai Socotranum - Bangkla
Bangkla is a top level of Thai Socotranum hierarchy. Almost of Thai Socotranum are came from it such as Khao Hin Zon (KHZ), Diamond Crown (DC), Chada Petch (CHP), Petch Sothorn (PST - Compack Bangkla) etc. Bangkla (BKL) is suitable for whom like to learning in variety of Thai Socotranum. Because of seedling of it can grow up into various styles and also able to declare as a new type. | Gene / Shortcut |
Note that Another none comercial name of Bangkla is "Yak Nong Nhae". About the Golden Crown (GC), until now the history of it still in mystery. Some one said it came from Khao Hin Zon but the owner of GC's mother plant not thinking like that. He siad GC is absolutely differentiate from Khao Hin Zon (KHZ) and it's also sitting on the top of Thai Socotranum hierarchy. | |
Example picture of Bangkla Seedlings |
Thai Socotranum - Chada Petch
Chada Petch
Chada Petch is one from many types that came from Bangkla. Its name is just given in year 2006 by Mr. Krit and Mr. Toi (Padriw). With the beauty of branchs, caudex's shape and color cause CHP start popular from that year until now (Jan 2009). CHP has some properties of arabicum combination with Thai Socotranum Bangkla such as fat and swollen base caudex, bush, symmetry and small branch and much flowers as arabicum RCN. And also has properties of Thai Socotranum too, caudex is grow up in vertical direction and have short inter-node of branchs. And flower's shape is similar to both. | Gene / Shortcut |
Note that Chada Petch is most popular among Thai grower in year 2007-2008. Due to the symmetry and much of branchs in nature. But right now almost Thai grower familiar with root adjustment technique including chemical apply as well. Then any type of Thai Socotranum can have much brachs as their need. | |
Example picture of Chada Petch Seedlings |
Thai Socotranum - Diamond Crown
Diamond Crown
Diamond Crown (DC) is a sub-type of Bangkla. Just giving its a name to let it seem to be International plant (Thai say "Ko Inter"). As mentioned above, BKL can be grow into many types of Thai Socotranum. Then we classified any BKL's seedling that have characteristics as example pictures above to be Diamond Crown (DC). The other properties that we defined as DC are short and fat caudex, bush and decline a bit of branchs as coral. But flower of DC has round petal simimlar to Golden Crown (GC).. | Gene / Shortcut |
Example picture of Diamond Seedlings usually as same as Bangkla |
Thai Socotranum - Golden Crown
Golden Crown
Golden Crown (GC) is very expensive and popular among Thai and Indonesian Adenium lover. Because of the beauty of plant forming with bush, horizontal branchs direction and fat caudex. Why they are so expensive? Because of there's very few mother plants in market. The history of this mother plant is still mysterious until now. Many people believed it came from Khao Hin Zon (KHZ) but the owner of GC's mother plant refuse it absolutely. He siad GC is different from Bangkla totally and it's also sitting on the top of Thai Socotranum hierarchy. Why! GC is being the most popular plant among Thai growers. Because of branch of GC always lay down in horizontal direction by nature rather than upright direction as other types. | Gene / Shortcut |
Example picture of Golden Crown Seedlings |
Thai Socotranum - Khao Hin Zon
Khao Hin Zon
Khao Hin Zon (KHZ) is a sub-type of Bangkla but have characteristics exactly different from Bangkla (BKL). Despite it have many things as same as Golden Crown (GC) such as bush and short branchs, fold up leave and branch style etc. The different characteristics are very short caudex, not much bending branch, new branch alway decline 10-60 degree from horizontal and the style of root that always look like crab legs. | Gene / Shortcut |
Example picture of Khao Hin Zon Seedlings |
Thai Socotranum - Petch Baan Na
Petch Baan Na
Petch Baan Na (PBN) is the most popular among Thai Adenium lover until now. Because of the beauty of plant forming with bush and bending branchs like a coral, fat caudex and sweet color of flower. Furthermore Petch Baan Na always give much flowers more than any type of Thai Socotranum like Arabicum RCN (Ra-Chi-Nee-Pan-Dok). But there's very few plants that have a good plant forming. Because of PBN is very easy in cross polinating with Arabicum by insect but also difficult to get complete and healthy seeds pot. | Gene / Shortcut |
Note that PBN is sitting on top of Thai socotranum heirachy as same as Bangkla and S1 or Golden Bell (and may be including Golden Crown). | |
Example picture of Petch Baan Na Seedlings |
Mutational of Bangkla - Petch Morakod
Petch Morakod
Gallery 1 2 3 | Gene / Shortcut | ||
Thai Socotranum - S1 (Golden Bell)
S1 (Golden Bell)
S1 or Golden Bell, "S" is a starting letter of name of the owner of original plant - Mr. Suwat. S1 is not a sub-type of Bangkla as many type. Instead of it is the one that sitting on top of Thai Socotranum hierarchy as same as Bangkla and Petch Baan Na (and may be including Golden Crown). And they are also came to Thailand by hand carry from the same area as same as other Thai Socotranum - Jizan, Saudi Arabia. S1 (Golden Bell) have some interesting properties like Bangkla. Seedling of S1 can have its characteristics different from mother plant and able to define as a new type too. | Gene / Shortcut | |
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S2 is another type beyond S1. It has almost properties as same as S1. But there've leave and branch smaller than S1 and give much more flower than S1. Vice versa Flower of S1 is more darker than S2. | ||
MAGIC S1 Why we name it "Magic S1"? It is a Thai Socotranum S1 or Golden Bell that have very special property that almost of Adenium don't have. It can pollinating by itself and also very easily to happen!. | ||
Example picture of S1 Seedlings |
Thai Socotranum - Suay Pai Ked
Suay Pai Ked
| Gene / Shortcut |
WHAT IS SUAY PAI KED? (SPK) Reverse back to 20++ years ago since the first Thai Socotranum plant came to Thailand. We name this plant as "Dumri Sitthichoke (DRS)" (refer to surname of the plant's owner, Mr. Nhoom). From this original plant, it give 91 seedlings and almost of Thai Socotranum varieties are grow up from these 91 seedlings. In the other hand, master plant of BKL, KHZ, CHP and SPK are came from these 91 seedlings of DRS. The name Suay Pai Ked came from the mother plant that locate at Leoy province near border between Thailand and Lao. Cutting branchs of DRS and these 91 seedlings are the most wanted by Thai collectors until now. Because of they have unstable of genes that able to mutate to many types such as Bangkla (BKL), Khao Hin Zon (KHZ), Chada Petch (CHP) and SUAY PAI KED (SPK). And there have 2 varieties that have unstable of genes as DRS. They are BKL and SPK. The varieties that mutate from Bangkla such are Diamond Crown (DC) and Chada Petch. And SUAY PAI KED is able to mutate to Khao Hin Zon and Golden Crown (GC). To consider a number of Thai Socotranum varieties in Thai market. Bangkla and Chada Petch are much more plentiful in market than any type. Due to they are easy to pollinating and well keeping of their seeds pot. S1 and S2 are also don't have much in Market due to they are not much popular. Petch Baan Na and Khao Hin Zon are moderately in market stock. But Suay Pai Ked is very rare because of it was distributed very less in the past unlike Bangkla and Khao Hin Zon that people seem enthusiastic to find them at the early of market bloom. Gallery 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Note that, as widely approval from many Thai growers, seedling of SPK always have forming of plant better than KHZ. That why many people don't belive GC is an independent from Bangkla family. |
Thai Arabicum - Bang Ra Chan Dum V.S. Petch Intra
Bang Ra Chan Dum V.S. Petch Intra
Bang Ra Chan Dum (BRCH), this mother plant came to Thailand since 8 years ago from Gizan, Saudi Arabia. This variety is not declared as Thai Socotranum among Thai Adenium growers. Despite it is an arabicum. But why I raise it to being in this page? Because of it have many characteristics look like and have some properties similar to Thai Socotranum. (How T.Socotranum coming) For example, over looking of plant forming are combination between Thai Socotranum and arabicum. It have much and bush branchs, branchs always decline instead of upright direction, short inter-node gap in nature, caudex growing in both vertical and horizontal direction, very slow growing. But it have leave, flowers and caudex's shape like arabicum. The most interesting properties of this variety is very very big caudex and have color of branch in dark or black. Color of small seedlings are varies from light green to black. But when they grow up the color become lighter or brown as pictures showed. | Gene / Shortcut |
Note that, there've more interesting topic about this variety. The second generation seedling (F2) of Bang Ra Chan Dum (BRCH) are totally differentiate with the first generation seedling (F1) of BRCH. And we named the F2 seedling as " Petch Intra " (PIT). Because of over looking of PIT are look like Thai Socotranum rather than arabicum. But the leave still as same as arabicum. From this example may be we can imagine the way of how Thai Socotranum developed or mutate from arabicum plant.
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Example picture of Bang Ra Chan Dum Small Plant | |
Comparison between of Petch Intra (seedling of the seedling of BRCH) and BRCH Seedling |
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