My Spirit Led Journey As A Native Born American in the 21st Century
In 1991 in Taos New Mexico, I walked through the opening portal of an extraordinary spiritual awakening, a turn in the road of my life, one that none of my friends in the arts and musician community understood, or cared to understand. The notion that secret conclaves of hidden globalists were working behind the scenes to subvert the US constitution seemed almost laughable at the time. Only a lunatic fringe would imagine such things, right? Well I don’t hear too many people laughing anymore. 19 years later it’s all become too very dreadfully REAL.
In Taos New Mexico someone was always having a garden variety “spiritual awakening” of some sort – that’s what most people moved there for, the hope that something “enchanting” would happen, that their eyes would be opened, that their chakras would clear, that their newly illuminated consciousness would soar to the heights of …whatever.
So my ongoing “spiritual awakening” had little affect on my “too cool to be bothered” peers in the local creative community. They were more concerned that I arrive at rehearsals, write good lyrics, look good in sleek black denim, and play on key. Such were the general priorities of Taoseno artisans in New Mexico in 1991. Looking back, it seems like such an era of genuine innocence and spiritual purity.
What I was being shown spontaneously, unsolicited, “by the Spirit” over 3 years duration was a replete detailed clairvoyant forecast of what was to unfold in this country as we neared the global Advent of the Antichrist later in my life. I knew beyond all shadow of a doubt that the events I was being shown would take place in my lifetime. There was no question about it. I also knew beyond all shadow of a doubt that not one person in my circle of friends at the time wanted to hear about, or would believe me when I told them what I was being “shown”. I believe it has been said that a prophet is never loved in his (or her) own country. So I suffered in silence with what I was experiencing. It lasted for over 3 years.
During those surreal tumbleweed years, over time, while I walked the sage covered deserts outside of Taos, every single detail of the coming global super state was shown to me incrementally. I wasn’t taking peyote or dehydrating in sweat lodges or smoking ganja. I was just simply “being spiritually shown”. When your soul is shown something by a High Heavenly authority, you do not ever question it, forget it, or argue with it. You may attempt to deny it, but Truth will always return to roost upon the soul’s inner conscience as birds return to their nests each evening.
It is unmistakable. It cannot be interrogated out of you, or beaten out of you, or mocked out of you, or ridiculed out of you. I understand much more now about the suffering of the biblical prophet Daniel than I did before my “Opening” in 1991, 1992, and 1993.
I had never heard of the phrase “RFID chips” because at the time they had not been invented. I had never heard the phrase “North American Union” yet I knew that soon American borders would legally mean nothing. The concept of a “war on terror” seemed insane, even though I watched while the Gulf War exploded on local TV screens. We all did what real artists and pacifists always did – we voiced our objections, our pleas for non-violence and an end to war in general – and that conflict in specific. We gathered in coffee houses singing, and conversing about the need for peaceful solutions. We were as precious in our innocence of what lay behind it all as canaries who sing in cages. We really had no idea.
During my desert walks I was shown over time that small mountains of evil illegal unconstitutional laws would be passed in America, in secret, that the passing of horrendous new “secet international laws” was in fact already already taking place, and had been for some time. I also began to clearly see that local police in the future would eventually become the feared and dreaded enemies of the American people, that locals would fall under “bizarre new international laws” and that local courts would disintegrate over time into “preposterous kangaroo courts” siding with the UN troops who would one day replace local police officers. Dignified local courts run by respected local judges would become a relic of the past.
It would always follow that after being shown the next horrendous thing, I would inevitably feel compelled to cast aside the vision, not wanting to believe or accept what I was seeing. Relentelssly the truth would speak again and I would be forced to listen. I continued to believe through all of this that enough Americans would mature and care enough over time to stand up and say “no” – “this is where it all stops.”
Back then the internet was still the elusive military and college campus “lab experiment” named Arpanet, a loose knit network of high IQ professors’ private computer projects, along with the US military’s private data sharing networks. Silicon Valley was tinkering with a few new things.
I tried mightily to explain to locals that within 10 to 20 years the entire world would be mandated into some sort of interlaced global electronic ID system. I could feel the system coming, I could sense what it entailed, but I could not describe it to my friends. I lacked the vernacular to describe what I was seeing. Only a few elites in “hippified” Taos even owned computers. Amiga computers were still popular with many other artists. The hotbeds for computer experimentation were in California and Washington state.
At first my friends quietly endured my efforts to explain what I was seeing. Later I was rebuffed, scoffed at in private, eventually in public. I was finally ever so gently ostracized from the creative community entirely for what I was trying to do, which was to warn people and try to form a private local information sharing network that would dig deeper collectively into the sources of the obsession of certain governmental agencies with the idea of dissolving national boundaries, of moving toward a Godless globalism which would be highly antagonistic toward any mention of the actual spiritual authority of Christ himself.
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The Truth in Christ's life has been eclipsed by a mountain of false spiritual teachings in modern times.
I knew the core of this globalist urge was related to the secret worship of Lucifer by many prominent organizations, yet I had never heard of the term “Illuminati.” The people who were suspected of actually worshipping Lucifer were often alluded to in local dialogues as the Freemasons instead. I knew the new age community was becoming incredibly dark and bizarre, and was being aggressively infiltrated by overt covens of witches, wiccans, druids, and others who were openly hateful toward any mention of the words “God” “Jesus” “Christ” and so forth. The innocent searching for deeper meaning and understanding of greater cosmic forces was being replaced by small but incredibly aggressive covens who just moved into an area and “took over” whatever spiritual activities they found taking place. It was happening in Taos while I lived there. I was present and observing when all of this was taking place 19 years ago. I had seen it take place in other enclaves of light again and again.
I cannot tell you how, but eventually I knew that an atheistic central political figure would eventually ascend to power globally in this new atmosphere of spirtual lewdness, lauded and hailed by the coven based new agers worldwide, who would easily win their devotion, and eventually go so far as to make the claim before the masses that he was God himself.The parts of the new age movement which were searching for God were being absorbed into the “new” factions. “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” had just come out, and had hit the world public square in the face with smooth well phrased European royalty endorsed fraud, a replete seamless textbook case example of a false spiritual teaching. The era of the great and final Lie was now beginning.
A new trend was afoot which commenced the long gradual subtle and pervasive public discrediting of Christ, his life, His Divinity, His message, and all real spiritual meaning associated with His existence on earth. This movement really began with the publishing of that book.
Those who loved God and adored and believed in his Son would be gathered up by the holy Spirit and they would be guided in the next few years to retreat quietly into their homes and stay away from the popular new “movement” which began to question everything that Christ was, inclue. I clung to God, to my precious desert wilderness, to myding His lifetime as a male virgin of total chastity. The slow slither toward the global Abomination of Desolation had now begun. I saw this happening. I watched it take plac fortress of solitude, and to all that God was revealing to me, in my heart mind and soul.
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